In his school days, Eikichi Onizuka was well known as a motorcycle gang among locals. Onizuka and his best friend were dangerous duo, causing no end of troubles in their hometown. Surprisingly, when he grows older, Onizuka chooses his career as a high school teacher. Although he is the last person anyone would expect to be a teacher, Onizuka has now made up his mind to become the best teacher of all. However, Onizuka has not lost his rebellious spirit. He constantly challenges his students, his school board and the local community. Often, he causes more troubles than his toughest students, but slowly he is winning the respect of his class, and his students are opening their hearts to him.
  • Drama
  • Teens and Up
Initial Broadcast : Jun 1999 - Sep 2000
Total Number of Episodes : 43
Episode Length : 30min.
Distributor : Fuji Creative Corporation